Monday, November 14, 2011

day fourteen

Today I give thanks to God for:
the blessing of dear friends
God has been so faithful in providing good, true, genuine friends during each season of my life.  Although I have learned that some friends are in your life just for one season and some are friends that last through the ages, God has always provided for me in the moment.  When I moved to Tinley Park, IL for my first teaching job without knowing a soul, God blessed me with a community of new young teachers that soon became close friends.  When I found a church to attend, I found community in serving and in small groups.  We even gained a new 'family' through the blessing of a special friendship. When my husband's residency placement required us to move here to Michigan, once again, I started this journey not knowing a soul.  God blessed us with finding a church quickly and we developed a deep friendship with a couple in our small group.  As mentioned in a previous post, the Advocate organization provided me with the opportunity to meet some wives of other residents and close friendships have developed. Now as a mother, God has blessed me with the MOPS organization and MP3 where I have met Godly mothers and we have become friends.  I am so thankful that with God, we are never alone.  God's desire is that we would be in community; loving one another as He loves us.  God has chosen a good and perfect plan for me and so I trust Him to always provide for me in every detail...including friendships.  Today I am especially thankful for: Emily, Amy M., Joanne, Kim, Jamie, Kristin, Andrea, Jade, Lindsay, Amber, Vanessa, and Lauren.  Thank you for joining me on the journey and investing in me.  You encourage me to be a better person and I love the time that we get to spend together and the moments we are able to talk and share about every topic under the sun. I love laughing with you and just loving life together through it all...the joys, sorrows and everything in between!

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