Tuesday, November 6, 2012

my thankful heart - day #6

Today I give thanks to God for:
the freedom I have been granted to cast my vote on the election of government officials

Below is a message posted by my pastor discussing why he voted twice today.  I voted twice as well; did you?

I voted...twice. You should too.

As a citizen of the USA, I fulfilled my responsibility and took full advantage of my privilege by voting for the individual I decided was best qualified to lead our country for the next four years. Since I'm fallible and they're fallible, it's possible that I'll look back on this vote with some regrets. But, I strongly believe I made the best decision available to me. Of course, it's also possible that my vote won't win the day. I'll be stuck with the results of other people's votes. Though I hate that part of it, if I cast my second vote correctly, it removes the sting.

As a citizen of God's Kingdom, I voted Christ Lord over my life...again today. You see, this vote (decision) has to be made daily. Of course, my vote doesn't make Him Lord. He's Lord with or without my vote. My vote only has to do with whether I use the choice He's given me to submit to Him as Lord...to experience the benefit of His presence, wisdom, protection, and guidance. And, to be honest, my selfish self runs a pretty aggressive campaign against Him on a daily basis. But, today selfish self lost and Jesus won.

And, it never fails...when He's Lord of my life...I always win. No regrets. When I cast the vote to be Lord over my own life...it never fails...I lose. Significant regrets. And, with this vote, I can't blame anyone else. My vote determines who is Lord in my life. The same is true for you. (Checkout Romans 12:1-2)

So, for me, today's a great day...no matter who wins that other election. How about you?

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