Monday, November 5, 2012

my thankful heart - day #5

Today I give thanks to God for:
good health

If you viewed my family history, you would see a documentation with a multitude of disease and illness listed.  Just in the last week it was discovered that my father's sister has a brain tumor and my uncle's sister was admitted to the cardiology unit at the hospital for fluid around her heart.  It is a scary reality to know that disease and illness occur and more than likely at some point in your life, you will develop one.  Today give thanks that I am relatively in good health.  . My first hospital stay was when my son was born via c-section at the age of 29. The only bone I have broke was of a toe.  I don't have to take any medications on a regular basis. I am blessed! 
I am also thankful that I believe in the one true healer - God. He is one that can bring peace, comfort, and strength during a time that we don't understand why or what is happening to our bodies...or that of a loved one.  Being a doctor's wife and having exposure to the medical field, I also know that the knowledge and range of procedures and treatment change almost on a daily basis due to research and best-practice documentation.  I know that those receiving medical attention are well cared for.
I continue to pray for my family members and those friends who encounter medical issues both personally and via family members.  Praying for ultimate healing, knowledge for doctors, and that I remain healthy!

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